Is the Rosary Idolatry?

Hello Rosary lovers! In this post, we ask: is the Rosary idolary? You see, those who are unfamiliar with the Rosary and unfamiliar with Catholicism often think that praying the Rosary is idolatry. It’s not just those unfamiliar with Catholicism who sometimes think this. There are times when even Catholics themselves question whether praying the…

Do all Popes become saints?

Hello there Rosary lovers! In this post, we will ask: do all Popes become saints? ‘Every Pope is a saint for you Catholics!’ Let us suppose someone thinks this: that every Pope is apparently a saint as far as Catholics are concerned. But this is nonsense. It is nonsense for a few reasons. First, every…

Buy a Rosary Online

Hello there Rosary lovers! In this post we will briefly direct readers to where they might buy a Rosary online. Buying a Rosary online isn’t as simple as it may first appear. Sure, you can look at some pictures and go ‘OoO’ and ‘Ahhh’, but you never really know what the Rosary will be like…