My Catholic Spiritual Journal in March 2021

Hello Rosary lovers! In 2021, I began keeping a Catholic spiritual journal. The vast bulk of it focused on my relationship with the Holy Rosary. I would like to share an extract from this journal below, in the hope that it could be a wonderful encouragement and inspiration to some. Enjoy! March 2021 Journal Entry…

Devotions to Mary

Hello Rosary lovers! God bless you! In this post we will briefly introduce some popular and important devotions to Mary that have blessed millions of Catholics throughout the ages. Perhaps you will find something of interest to you. Enjoy 🙂 The Hail Mary The most popular form of devotion to Mary is one simple but…

Is the Rosary Idolatry?

Hello Rosary lovers! In this post, we ask: is the Rosary idolary? You see, those who are unfamiliar with the Rosary and unfamiliar with Catholicism often think that praying the Rosary is idolatry. It’s not just those unfamiliar with Catholicism who sometimes think this. There are times when even Catholics themselves question whether praying the…