Hello there Rosary lovers! In this post, we will ask: is it OK to pray one decade of the Rosary?
Sure, go for it! You never know, praying one decade of the Rosary daily might lead to greater things. It may lead you to pray 5 decades a day, or maybe more. Who knows?
One decade of the Rosary prayed everyday, kept up for years, would amount to A LOT of Lord’s prayers and Hail Marys. It’s a practice that is surely to be encouraged.
One decade of the Rosary is an EASY practice and entirely manageable for most people. Such a simple prayer rule is easy to keep up and continue day in day out for years.
Not to mention, ANY amount of the Rosary THRILLS the immaculate Heart of the sweet Mother of God! She LOVES to hear the Rosary, even if we only pray one decade. If you pray it well, then it will bring beautiful blessings in our lives.
We could increase the benefit of this practice by uniting it with our sufferings and uniting it with the Heart of Mary and uniting it with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered all over the world everyday.
We could also increase the benefit of just one decade a day by offering it for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and for the Holy Father and the Catholic Church on earth.
So yes, absolutely, this is a great idea: to pray just one decade of the Rosary a day.
Can you imagine the difference in this world if every Catholic did merely this?
Rosary bracelets are becoming quite popular in the Catholic world, and for good reason. You can get them blessed, wear them on your wrist, and grab hold of them quickly to pray.
Rosary bracelets are designed for one decade of the Rosary. I am an affiliate of a company that makes Rosary beads and Rosary bracelets. Check out this link for more information on this company and their products.
Any amount of prayer, prayed with devotion, is better than no prayer.
The simplest method of prayer is to pray the Our Father in the morning and the Our Father in the evening. Doing this well and from the heart and with a genuine desire to do God’s will is far better than many prayers said without a heart devoted to Jesus.
So yes, by all means, pray just one decade of the Rosary a day, if this is what God is calling you to!
If you have any questions or comments, add them below in the comments and I will get back to you asap.
God bless you on your spiritual journey!