Catholic Rosary Prayers

Hello Rosary Lovers! I’ve done a lot of posts about the Rosary, but I thought this time I would do one on the actual Catholic Rosary prayers. That is, all of the prayers of the Rosary all in one place. Enjoy! Main Prayers The main prayers uttered/recited in the Catholic Rosary are the Our Father,…

What is Catholic Confession?

Confession of sins is a big deal in the Catholic Church. In this article we want to ask: what is Catholic confession? Catholic Confession is Glorious Release Confession is not intended to be a hinderance, but a tremendous help and healing opportunity. Desperate times call for desperate measures.  All of us sin and mess up, whether…

What is Catholic Christianity?

Hello there Rosary lovers! This is a site about the Rosary and Catholicism, so it only makes sense for us to ask: What is Catholic Christianity? With 2.5 billion Christians worldwide (a fast-growing number), there are thousands of denominations. The Catholic Church is by a very long way the largest ‘denomination’, at an ever-growing 1.35…