What is Catholic Eucharistic Adoration?

Hello Rosary lovers. Adoration of the blessed Sacrament is a fairly big thing in the Catholic Church. But what is it? What is Catholic Eucharistic Adoration? It’s Catholic! Well, the first thing to say is that Eucharistic Adoration, if it is Catholic, will only be adoration of a Catholic Eucharist. Some Protestant churches practice Eucharistic…

What is it Like to be Catholic?

Hello there my dear Rosary Lovers! In this post I would like to answer the question: What is it like to be Catholic? Never Thought I’d Ever be Answering this Question! The first thing for me to say here is that I truly never thought that I would ever be answering this question! You see,…

Do Catholics Believe in Jesus?

Hello Rosary Lovers! As Catholics, it is often assumed that we don’t really believe in Jesus. At least not for salvation. So let’s ask in this post: do Catholics believe in Jesus? Catholic belief is not well understood The first thing to say is that Catholics and Catholic belief are both wildly misunderstood. This is…